Thursday, October 19, 2006

Since my last posting, my family and I enjoyed a vacation. This has been a rough year for us, especially me, and I thought we deserved a few days away. We sailed on a cruise ship for a bit. I took this picture in the Bahamas. I decided to include it because mom loved lighthouses and I think this is an awesome picture.

My postings here have not been as frequent, but only because I don't want to bore you with the same stuff over and over. There is really nothing new to report.

This week has been a bit rough for me, who knows why . . . I have taken care of some things that had to be done concerning my mom's affairs. That was hard, every time I do so the sense of finality hits again.

Last night I had a hard time sleeping because I could not get the crime scene photo out of my head. That was really the first time I've experienced such. I've had times that the image would flash through my mind, but never anytime when I could not get it out of my mind.

I left a few messages for the detective this week; I am hoping to hear from him by week's end. I have some questions I need answered, some issues I need him to follow-up on.