Saturday, March 29, 2008

Today likely marks 2 years ago my mom was murdered. I don't have the "official" date of death, but I think it was late in the evening on the 29th or early morning on the 30th. Who knows it could have happened about this time of night . . .

This week has been a challenge for me. I can hardly think about anything other than her death, be it when I learned her body was discovered, conversations with the funeral director prior to her funeral, her funeral, her burial, conversations with the detectives, etc . . .

Today has been horrible. I am so sad and angry. I am sad that my mom is dead. Sad that there will never be another opportunity to make things right. Sad and angry that she had to die alone with her murderer(s). Angry that her killer(s) is/are still free. Angry she was killed and left in her apartment for days; the coward(s) who killed her could have made an anonymous phone call. Angry that for days before finding her my family and I had to wonder, speculate, and attempt to find her. I am angry that this is my life, my reality. I am angry that I know/saw things about my mom that children should not be exposed to about their parents', no matter the age of the children. I am angry and sad I had to look at crime scene photos to know if I buried my mom or some other person.

Sorry for the pity party, just in a slump today.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Another Year Has Passed

We are quickly approaching the 2-year anniversary of mom's killing. It is so surreal. It seems like it was only yesterday and at the same time seems like it was so long ago.

I have nothing new from the detectives. From my understanding they have been busy on another case.

I have contacted a local news station about doing a follow-up story of mom's murder. I don't know if they will be interested or not, but you never know. Maybe a little media attention will help someone remember something.