Monday, March 16, 2009

We are quickly approaching the three-year anniversary of mom's death. It is easier in the fact that I am used to the idea. But often times I still want to call and talk to her and realize I can't.

I haven't posted in a few months, but as I've stated before there is nothing new to post. How many different ways can I put it? I still hold on to the hope mom's murder(s) will face justice, but I don't know if that will be reality. I have a couple of things in the works to answer some burning questions I have. Will I get the answers I need? Maybe, maybe not. Whatever the outcome, these steps won't hurt anything; they will either help or do nothing. What do I have to lose?

An update on the people I previously mentioned in my blog: My friend's husband is the owner of a new heart as of 11/01/08. So far things are going well and there are no signs of rejection.

The other friend I mentioned is now the mother of 3 amazingly beautiful little boys. Prayer for her and the boys were greatly appreciated and answered. She is loving life and welcomes every challenge motherhood throws her way.