Tuesday, March 13, 2007

We are coming up on a year since this horrible nightmare began. This year has taken so much from me and many others. We still have no answers; her murderer is still out there, probably somewhere in Macon.

The past couple of weeks have been very difficult, and I anticipate the same for the upcoming few. My mind has re-played events of the past year over and over. I will share some here.

I vividly remember driving home from my MawMaw's house that Sunday. My son in the back seat upset because he wanted to stay and play with his cousins. I needed to come home and take a nap before working that evening. Then the world stopped. I received a phone call from my mom's business partner, "She's in there. They found her in that apartment." I did not know at that time if that was good news or bad. I immediately pulled into the emergency lane and called my aunt; I was not sure what was happening but I knew I needed someone.

I called the business partner back. I had to ask if she was happy or sad, it could have been either with her reaction. Sadly enough, she proceeded to tell me my mom was dead, murdered in her home.

After I made sure my son was okay, I drove to my mom's apartment. As I turned onto the street she lived, I met the hearst carrying her body. This was the biggest "Oh No" moment of my life. Once I got out of my car I remember thinking and saying, "I'm not supposed to be here." This should not have been happening.

I invite you to share your thoughts and remembrances of that time. I keep telling myself this has to get better.

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