Sunday, July 02, 2006

I'm sorry to let you know there is still nothing new to report. Today marks 3 months since my mother's body was found.

I wish none of this ever happened. You can not believe how exhausting living this is. This horrible crime is always somewhere in my thoughts. Sometimes I think I need to distance myself from the thoughts, for my sanity's sake. But I can't. I'm hoping it will be better once the killer(s) is known and behind bars, but I'm afraid that won't be the case. I don't think I'll ever have the closure I so desparately need. Will I ever get over it? No, I don't think so.

I will soon be finished with nursing school. I would like my mother to be there for my pinning, but she won't be. I hope I can overcome the sadness to be able to enjoy the celebration that will follow. I know she would be so proud of me for going to nursing school and achieving one of my life long dreams.

Next week I will post more pictures of her life.

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