Thursday, June 29, 2006

I will scan more pictures in to post later.

This has been a bad week for me; I have been at a very low point. However, today I did receive some encouraging news from the detective. Hopefully we will have preliminary results from the crime lab late next week. I know that whatever was or was not on her body is a done deal, but please pray there will be something that the investigators can work with.

Sometimes I am still shocked by everything that has happened. I know what has been going on, but there are times when someone will say something or I will think something or see something and the reality slaps me in the face. Today I was talking with my aunt and in our conversation she was talking about something someone did for her the week of my mom's funeral. When she said "when your mom died," I felt stunned for a minute. I have been in the middle of this nightmare, so there is no question of the loss our family has experienced. I am not accustomed to hearing my mom referred to in the past tense. I guess it is still so new . . . .

This is one of those times that I referred to in an earlier posting that I don't really want to talk (or post) about this now, so this is it for today. I will update you soon.

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