Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Another Day

I talked with the detective yesterday. He used the phrase "slim pickins" when describing my mom's case. I don't think I was surprised to hear that. I'm beginning to wonder if this case will ever be solved. I can only hope and pray it is. I feel assured my mom's killer will face justice eventually. It may not be here on earth, but whoever did this will have to meet their Maker sooner or later.

At earlier times when I've thought about her murder remaining unsolved, I would almost become crazy (for lack of a better word). Last night as I was thinking about my conversation with the detective, and I think I may can accept that ("slim pickins"). Is it okay with me? Definitely not, but I have to accept what is and realize I can do nothing to change it. The last thing I could give my mother would be justice, but it is out of my control. I have done everything I know to do and talked to everyone I can think of to help, all to no avail.

I am powerless in this situation and have no control over what may or may not happen. I cannot let this ruin me, but accepting this reality is almost like losing her and what could have been all over again.

Again, I thank you for reading and passing the link to my blog along to others.

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