Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Nancy Grace

I don't know if anyone else saw it, but Nancy Grace did profile my mom's murder today. I am glad we got that media attention. I was talking with the detective about it, and I made the comment that it probably wouldn't help any. He told me to take whatever media time we can get. He said you never know who is watching.

I liked the way Nancy Grace referred to my mom as a "lovely lady." She also mentioned that my mom's murder took place near her hometown. Maybe something will come from this. Let's hope and pray it does.

I did talk to the detective today. I started the conversation by apologizing for any trouble I may have caused him. He chuckled and said it was okay and not to worry about it. After my apology he began to talk to me in the manner he did before my letter was in the Macon Telegraph. He encouraged me to be patient; I don't know of any other choice I have.

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