Thursday, August 24, 2006

I have not been posting as regularly as I was simply because I have nothing new to tell or report. This whole process has been so frustrating and exhausting.

I have not talked to the detective this week, although I have attempted to each day. I can probably guess what he will say to me, but I still need to hear it from him.

I'm sure I have posted a comment similar to this before, but making sure my mom's murder(s) is/are caught and have their day in court is the last thing I can do for her.

My mom and I had always been so close. It was almost like we grew up together, as she was only 19 when I was born. I considered her my best friend for many years, we talked several times each day.

A couple of years ago things began to change. Our lives took different paths. She made some choices that I did not approve of and I felt I needed to protect my family, especially my child. At times we were barely even civial to one another. The last time I saw her it was much better. I think we had both begun to accept the other's position and point of view, even though we may not have approved.

Making sure her killer(s) is/are found is the LAST thing I can do to let her know how much I loved her, even though we did have our differences.

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