Thursday, August 03, 2006

To the best of my knowledge, there have been no changes in the status of my mom's case.

One evening this week I received a phone call from someone who knew my mother. This person had some information they turned over to the detective. I don't know if any of it will help, time will tell. This person gave me an idea of some of the stuff they have. It only confuses me more, but it does give me more insight into the person my mom was before her murder.

From this person I learned the detective got into some trouble as a result of my letter that was in the Sunday paper. I thought he acted differently this week when I talked to him, more official and business-like than before. I never intended to get him in trouble, but reading the letter now after I've had some time to calm down, I can see how that might happen. Guess next time I talk to him I'll have to apologize.

According to recent news reports, the city of Macon may have to borrow $5 million to make payroll. Will the detective get additional help? I seriously doubt it.

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