Friday, December 15, 2006

Merry Christmas

Well, in about 10 days we will celebrate our Saviour's birth. And it will be the 1st Christmas without my mom. I have really been trying very hard not to be overly saddened or depressed throughout this holiday season. But, it's not always so easy. The last time I saw my mom was last Christmas. As I've posted before, it was at that time that our relationship finally seemed to be headed in the right direction. We seem to have come to a place that we could accept the other's position and be mother and daughter again.

Today my son wore a shirt to school she gave him last Christmas. I know it is only a thing, but to me it is such a precious thing as it is one of the last she gave him. She took the time and effort to pick it out just for him. It breaks my heart to realize that is all he may ever really have of her. He does not remember much about her or how much she loved him. I definitely hold him a little tighter and longer now.

Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!

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