Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Nothing new to report.

Yesterday I read in People magazine that Tiffany Marie Souers murderer was found thanks to DNA evidence. You may remember hearing about her. She was the college girl who was murdered in South Carolina; she was strangled using her bikini.

I am happy for her family. I cannot imagine the emotions they are experiencing. Using GA as a standard, this was record setting speed of analyzing DNA. I am disappointed in our state. I am told it will be 1 day to 1 year before DNA found on my mother's body is processed. I don't understand the delay . . .

I am of the opinion that GA owes it the citizens whose lives have ended so cruelly and tragically to have more timely processing of evidence. I have been told many different reasons for the delay and the finger has been pointed in many different directions . . . . . . . . but there is NO acceptable excuse.

When I read this story yesterday I was angry. I feel that no one (other than myself) has a sense of urgency about my mom's case. If my family had money or if any of us were in a position of power, I feel the DNA would have been processed long ago and the murderer would be known.

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