Saturday, July 15, 2006


Isn't it ironic how some things happen? Once my mom's apartment was released and I was able to get her belongings, I found a book that spooked me. The title was "View from a Hearse." I almost couldn't touch it. You could not imagine the thoughts I had.

Then I thought I might read it one day, but have given it little thought since. Well, yesterday I was reading Ed Grisamore's blog and I saw a reference to this book. I read that posting and followed a link to the author's blog ( and website ( After doing some reading on his sites and contacting the author, I think I should read this book sooner than later.

From the best of my understanding, it is of comical nature but has an underlying message I could appreciate. I think I will pull it out and maybe start reading this weekend. I'll let you know what I think.

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