Sunday, September 17, 2006

I haven't posted in a while because I have nothing new to post. The detectives continue to work the case, looking for answers.

I have had more patience since our meeting with the detectives. I can only attribute that to all of the information and insight they provided when we met with them.

I have to think that somebody somewhere knows something. Why is no one coming forward? I wish I knew!

On a lighter note, I have my 1st job as a nurse. I am loving it! I truly feel my purpose in life is to be a nurse. Before, I could never imagine being as passionate about a career as I am. I work in an ER so you can only imagine what I get to see and learn. I love that we never know what's coming through the door next. I believe that my life's experiences this year have helped to make me a better nurse (I had to search for a long time to find that silver lining!).

Thanks for reading and passing on the link to my blog.

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